
A New Zealand Guide To Preparing And Consuming Kava

The popularity and demand for different varities of Kava – the iconic beverage from Fiji – has risen as awareness has grown on the root crop, the appropriate ways to prepare and consume it and its exceptional benefits.

Communities across the Pacific consume kava socially with great reverence at events like weddings and funerals where the Kava ceremonies can go on for multiple hours and even days. It is also prepared and drank at home by family members getting together at the end of a day. For those who are starting out it is advisable to understand the process of making the drink first and then consider how to customise it to your taste.

How to make Kava for drinking:

For approximately 35g to 40g of traditional grind kava powder, you require two cups (around 600ml) of warm (35-40C) water.  Insert kava inside a strainer bag and put it into an empty bowl. The traditional and recommended bowl is a tanoa / kava bowl. Pour warm water directly into the bag with the kava. Let this sit in the bowl for a few minutes. Twist the top of your kava strainer closed and gently press out all the excess air. Begin kneading the powder that’s inside the bag in the water. Knead the bag in the bowl and from time to time twist it to strain all the water out. After a few minutes your water should turn densely brown and should start feeling a bit oily. Knead for approximately 10 minutes in total and then squeeze the bag to remove all water from the root particles while not letting any actual root into the ready beverage. Kava is ready.

A second wash can be prepared by pouring the ready beverage into a separate bowl and adding some fresh warm water (half of the original amount) to your original bowl. Drink each serving quickly to prevent the sediments from settling down.

Using kava

Kava servings should be chugged quickly to prevent the sediments from settling down The sediments are not very pleasant to sip. Drink one shell of kava (half a cup or 100-150ml) at a time.  It is a very good idea to use a chaser (e.g. a fresh fruit/ some coconut milk or juice) to wash away the earthy kava taste. Take at least 15 -20 minute long breaks between servings as it may take a while for the kavalactones to start acting and for you feel the effects.  Remember that kava works best on an empty stomach (try not to eat anything for at least 3 or 4 hours before drinking kava).

Mask the kava taste

Getting the taste, texture and temperature right will help both new and experienced kava users. The kava drink does not taste or look great but makes you feel great. To mask the woody, bitter taste that shocks the system, finding a way to make the whole experience enjoyable will go a long way to making kava a regular part of your life.

Refrigerate kava

For a more mellow taste try refrigerating the kava drink or adding ice cubes.  This may be the best way for the uninitiated to get started with this potent herb.

Use instant kava powder

The easiest and quickest way to enjoy kava is to use instant kava powders. Just a bowl, water and strainer bag will do the job rather well. The drink follows the same steps as you would when you brew tea. You measure the kava powder as per your taste – for a standard serving size for 1 individual, 2 to 4 tablespoons should be enough. Add this to a strainer bag and place into a bowl. Warm or hot water can be poured directly on the bag and allowed to steep for about 10 minutes. The amount of water can be adjusted as per your taste.

Extracting the tea involves twisting the bag and pressing out all the air. Press and squeeze the bag to extract the liquid into the bowl. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to squeeze out the extract and you can go back in again and repeat the process to get another round of the extract. It is important that the water not be boiling as you may get a more bitter brew. Hot water from the tap should do the job rather well. Your kava is ready, and you can drink it down like a shot.  

Using a blender for kava

For those who do not have time the blender method is best. Use any type of liquid – water, coconut water or any other liquid of your choice – add the kava powder and blend for a few minutes. Strain into a bag and squeeze out all the liquid. Stir and drink.

Experiment with new flavours and textures

Try Google to find ways to make Kava more palatable – there are many ways of making the powder palatable and most of them involve masking its muddy texture and infusing it with a brighter, more pleasant flavour. Smoothies, teas, juices can all be created using Kava and for those starting out this would be the way to go. A little bit of experimentation would be required to create a flavour and texture that best suits you. Kava root powder and extracts can merge quite well into fruit juices, milks and teas. They also combine well with strong flavours like ginger, cinnamon, vanilla and even chocolate.

Use a palate cleanser

Those who can manage to go at it “neat” – try chugging it and quickly follow up with a fruit or another palate cleanser.  Pineapple, banana, melons and citrus fruits can clear the mouth without interfering with the numbing feeling.  Candied ginger, a piece of chocolate even ginger ale will help clear the bitterness & cloudy flavour out of the mouth rather quickly.

Kava capsules and candies

Kava is available in so many different formats – the whole rhizomes to capsules, candies and tea bags. If mixing and experimenting is just too hard tablets and capsules and candies are another way to consume this herb.

Kava takes a bit of getting used to. While many locals/ regular consumers could stomach impressive amounts, it’s not recommended that visitors or new consumers try to follow their lead. The drink is unlikely to cause a hangover, however allow the stomach time to get used to any increased consumption.

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